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Women's Health

Our resident women's health expert, Natasha, is a registered nurse with over 30 years experience.  As a nurse trainer, she is one of the most respected women's health practitioners in Gloucestershire.  Whether you require help and support with sexual and reproductive health, or navigating through menopause, Natasha is here to help you on your journey.

Booking your treatment is easy via our online system

1 Hour | £150 

A contraceptive consultation is a discussion with a medical professional about safe and effective contraception options. The consultation may take place in person or remotely, such as via phone or video call. During the consultation, Natasha will consider your medical history, personal circumstances, and preferences to help you choose the right method. Some things that may be discussed during a contraceptive consultation include: •Your medical and drug history •Your preferred method of contraception •Your plans for having children •Your personal beliefs and views about contraception •Your partner's and family's attitudes towards contraception •Information on different methods of contraception, including long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) •How to use each type of contraception •Side effects •How well each type of contraception works After you have discussed your options with Natasha she will offer you a prescription unless contraindicated and then write to your GP to inform them unless you ask her not to. Consent:Yes Chaperone : if required


90 Minutes| £200 | Consultation required | Products used: copper, Mirena, Kyleena 

A hormonal coil is a form of birth control (contraception) called an intrauterine system (IUS). It is placed inside your uterus and releases progesterone – the same hormone found in contraceptive pills. A hormonal coil can also be used to treat heavy periods. How does a hormonal coil work? The coil is a small, plastic T-shaped device. It slowly releases progesterone; not only preventing pregnancy but also making your periods lighter and less painful by: •Thickening the mucus in your cervix preventing sperm from traveling to fertilise an egg •Making the lining of your uterus (endometrium) thinner preventing an egg from implanting •Preventing ovulation (in some women) What happens during hormonal coil fitting? Hormonal coil fitting takes between 15 and 20 minutes. It is usually fit within 7 days after the start of your period. Natasha will check to make sure you are not pregnant, that you do not have any existing infection in your womb and the size and position of your womb. A full consultation is given prior to the procedure and you will be asked to fill in a consent form. The device is inserted through your cervix into your womb. Two fine threads attached to the bottom of the coil will remain at the top to your vagina. The threads allow you and your gynaecologist to check the device is in place. Coil fitting can be uncomfortable however most women do not experience any pain. You will have a chaperone with you during the procedure to help with the procedure and to put you at ease. This is needed for yours and Natasha’s safety. After hormonal coil fitting: You may feel cramping similar to period pain just after your fitting. Take over the counter pain killers such as paracetamol to ease this symptom. It is not unusual to experience light vaginal bleeding for a few days. Your consultant or nurse will probably want to see you for a follow-up after your first period. You can continue to wear your hormonal coil for five years. It will need to be replaced or removed by a trained professional. Most women experience no symptom following hormonal coil fitting. You should contact your consultant or nurse if you experience: •Continued abdominal pain following fitting •Unusual vaginal discharge •If you think your coil has dislodged (fallen out)


1 Hour | £165 

Period Management and Gynaecological Assessment involves Natasha taking a thorough history of your reproductive past and future. She will need an extensive list of symptoms about your concerns over your period or any new symptoms. These can include menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), discharge, pain, and symptoms like PMS. Usually, a full gynaecological exam is performed (you will have a chaperone for yours and Natasha’s safety) and this will involve a vaginal exam with or without the use of a disposable speculum*. *If you require a speculum exam, we recommend this is carried out between periods. You may be offered blood tests and other investigations. Natasha will inform your GP and may request a referral to a consultant or for additional tests, such as ultrasounds. If she cannot provide treatment herself, she will suggest alternatives. Some solutions may include contraception devices or medications. A full consultation will be provided.


20 Minutes | £36 plus the cost of prescription

We all have times when we want to go on holiday or attend a special occasion and the dreaded period is due to arrive, which may spoil it for some ladies.  Natasha can provide medication that can help to stop the period for a specific time until you return.  This may be done over the phone or face to face in clinic.


You will be asked an extensive list of questions to ensure you are suitable for the procedure and Natasha will advise you on the best course of action.  A private prescription may be offered at appointment, and you will be counselled on how to take the medication.


Please be sure to book this appointment well in advance of the date you need to postpone your period.


90 Minutes | £190

During a menopause consultation, you can expect to discuss your symptoms, health history, and current health. Natasha will also likely perform a physical exam and order tests to evaluate your hormones and other health factors. Based on your needs, treatments such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or lifestyle changes may be recommended.


What to expect during a menopause consultation:


  • Symptom review: You'll discuss your symptoms, including hot flushes, vaginal dryness, mood changes, and more. 

  • Health history: Natasha will review your medical history and current health. 

  • Physical exam: You may receive a breast and/or pelvic exam. 

  • Hormone evaluation: Tests may be ordered to evaluate your hormone levels, including oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol. There may be a need to send you for other investigations which would be discussed at consultation

  • Treatment options: Natasha will discuss treatment options, including HRT and non-hormonal treatments. 

  • Care plan: You'll receive a personalised care plan based on your needs. 

  • Follow-up: You will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment to reassess your health; this can be done face to face or via video/telephone call (dependent on your needs).


20 Minutes | £90

A follow up consultation will be scheduled for you to discuss any issues with Natasha and she can chart your progress.

We will have informed your GP (unless not asked to) about any new changes or medications.


This follow-up will give Natasha the chance to see if your symptoms are improving on your new medication or lifestyle changes.  There may be a change that is needed to your care plan which will happen during follow up. 


This is an opportunity to ask Natasha any questions at all...the more the better.  And it’s our way of letting you know you are not forgotten and that your symptoms and concerns are ours too, and we will be beside you every step of the way.


Follow-up consultations are usually delivered via Zoom video call, however we can be flexible to your needs.

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